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Sharing Our Voices: What Are We Curious About Regarding

Inquiry-Based Learning As We Work Toward New Curriculum Implementation 

& Our School Mission?

How might we work more co- or cross- curricularly?  i.e. PE and Science

How do we use inquiry-based learning in everyday lesson planning?  What are some subject-specific examples?

How can we help students increase in confidence and find their voices?

How might we work 'play' into higher level, content-heavy 'traditional' courses?

What are some ways we might reach students who don't seem to be inquisitive or who don't seem to care?

What are some short inquiry activities we can use in our everyday lessons?

What are some approaches to stimulating more advanced, deeper, authentic critical and creative thinking in our students?

How do we develop essential questions that are relevant and meaningful to student learning?

How might we motivate non-motivated learners?

How might we generate interest in a book or an entire subject when a student isn't inherently interested in it?

How might we motivate non-motivated learners?

How might we become better at developing open ended questions that foster inquiry?

How might we ensure all students are playing an active role within the inquiry process?

What is the balance between direct instruction and inquiry learning?


When do we use each?

How might we share our ideas more? (as a faculty)

How might we assess inquiry-based learning and allow enough time to accomplish desired tasks?

How might we assess play and projects that are varied from student to student?

What inquiry activities (tested and validated) 'work' in math?  (and P.E.?)

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How might we find more time to work together? (as faculty)

How might we guide younger grades to deeper thinking in a foreign language?

How might we achieve more cross-departmental collaboration?

How might we formatively and summatively assess inquiry activities in Math and P.E.?

How might we increasingly engage students in an understanding of the teenage brain and how they best learn (through inquiry processes)?

How might we best support students with time to get everything done during class-based inquiry processes?

Is there a safe way to allow students to explore tool use in an inquiry 

based way?

How might we find time/ways to integrate inquiry?

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